How to Integrate Privacy Policy page link with plugins? #
Navigate to Legal Pages > Settings > Enable Forms Integration and select the Privacy Policy page of your site.
Contact Form 7 #

While creating a contact 7 form add ‘acceptance field’ as shown in image. This field will be rendered as shown below with link to created privacy policy page.

Link to the text ‘Learn how your data is processed’ will point to the created Privacy policy page.
Gravity Forms #
With Gravity forms, Consent field is present in ‘Advanced fields’.

‘Learn how your data is processed’ text will have link to the created privacy policy page.
Why legal pages are required for a site? #
Legal pages are legal documents which are required to be there on the site by law. FTC, Google, Federal Laws and other big companies requires proper legal pages to use certain services.
How to create GDPR policy pages? #
You can create GDPR Cookie Policy Pages with automated third party policy details. The details are automatically collected using WP GDPR COOKIE CONSENT plugin.

To create a GDPR Cookie Policy Page, click the GDPR Cookie Policy template on the right hand side of the dashboard.

After selecting the template you can see all required data and links in template. You will also find shortcode [wpl_cookie_details] added at the bottom. This shortcode will render a table of cookies with details of third party companies, cookie purpose and links to cookie & privacy policies of these companies. To automatically collect cookies and cookie data you need to scan for available cookies using WP GDPR COOKIE CONSENT plugin.
Similarly you can create GDPR Privacy policy page using ‘GDPR Privacy Policy’ template.
Unable to use WPLegalPages Pro plugin? #
To activate and use WPLegalPages Pro you need to install and activate free WPLegalPages plugin from

How to receive plugin updates from WPEka? #
Once you have purchased WPLegalPages Pro plugin from wpeka website, you will see Master API Key and product ID of your purchase. You will need those API key and product ID to use PRO plugin.
Go to My Account -> API Keys section to get your Master API key and Product Id.

WPLegalPages Pro requires free WPLegalPages plugin installed and activated from
Once WPLegalPages Pro plugin is activated please navigate to Settings > WPLegalPages Pro Activation and provide API Key & Product ID and click on save changes. After that you will see your API key status is activated and you can use the WPLegalPages Pro plugin

Why you need privacy policy? #
Privacy Policy is a legal document that details company’s views and procedures on the information collected from visitors. It is required by law to tell the visitors what you are going to do with the collected information. So, if you are collecting any user information like email address, name, etc. you are required to have a privacy policy on your site.
Why you need a Terms and Conditions policy ? #
Terms and Conditions policy contains the guidelines on how to use the website content, products or services if any. This policy protects you from any misuse of your website data and it is highly important.
Why you should have a Refund Policy? #
If you have an eCommerce site where you sell products or any services, a refund policy is required. This policy explains the conditions of getting a refund to customers. It also helps you protect an unnecessary refund which is out of your refund policy.
Why to have a Affiliate Agreement policy? #
An Affiliate Agreement policy is required if you have an affiliate program at place. It is an agreement which has terms and conditions for an affiliate before he/she join your affiliate program.
Why to add Amazon Affiliate Disclosure or simple Affiliate Disclosure policy? #
If you are an affiliate, you have to have affiliate disclosure policy on your site. It discloses the use of affiliate links on your site and that you will earn a commission if any sales happen. FTC requires you to have an affiliate disclosure if you have affiliate links on your site.
Why California Privacy Rights policy is required? #
California Privacy Rights is a policy that is specifically drafted for the residents of California state. It empowers Californians to protect their privacy and encourages business to follow best practices to protect user information. So, if you deal with residents of California or have a business in California, then State of California Department of Justice requires you to have this policy on your site.
Why COPPA – Children’s Online Privacy Policy is required? #
COPPA policy is required for those websites which have to deal with children under the 13 years of age. It details out how the website operators are going to use the information collected from children below 13 years.
Why to have Earnings Disclaimer Policy? #
Earnings Disclaimer Policy is mostly required to protect your claims and opinions which you have made about your product or service. People might say that you have provided examples and success stories of users but some might not get the same results. In those cases, earning disclaimer is required.
Why to add a linking policy or an external linking policy? #
A linking or external linking policy may be used to declare a website’s policy of internal linking as well as external linking.
Although this sort of policy is unusual, it can still be useful on certain types of site.
Why an Antispam policy is needed? #
Spam is always been an irritant to users and a problem to many organizations. You can deal with spam
Spam is an irritant to regular users and a significant problem for many organisations. Technical measures are the principal way of dealing with spam but they can be usefully supplemented by legal measures.
This template may be used to create a policy on spam suitable for publication on a website or online service.
How to translate WPLegalPages plugin using WPML? #
- 1.Make sure that the plugin is installed and activated.
- 2.Install WPML and ensure that it is configured correctly. The configuration and setup guides for WPML can be found on their website here: WPML Getting Started Guide
- 3. Go to the WPML →String Translation page and click the Can’t find the strings you’re looking to translate?
- 1.A dialog will slide open. Select the WPLegalPages plugin and click the Scan translation files button.
- 2.After the scan is complete, the page refreshes and you can now select the “wplegalpages” in the Select string within domain dropdown.
- 3.To manually translate, click the translations link for the text in question, enter the translation, select the Translation is complete checkbox and click Save.
- 4.You can also send strings for translation by your designated local translators or professional translation service. For this, you need to have the WPML Translation Management module installed on your site.Select the strings to translate, the languages to translate them into and click on the button to Add to translation basket.From the Translation Basket tab of the WPML → Translation Management page, you will then be able to select the translator and send the selected texts for translation.Your local translators will be able to access the String Translation screen and translate just the ones that you’ve sent them for translation.
Can I upgrade to pro to a single site license and use it for my multi-site setup with the same domain? #
A single site license is meant to be deployed on a single WordPress deployment for one single domain or sub-domain. Hence, to use WP Legal Pages on a multi-site setup you will require a multi-site license which is readily available.