Navigate to WordPress Admin dashboard > WPAdCenter > Settings.
Here you can update General & Global script settings.
Geo Targeting, Ad Bock Detection, Ad Visibility feature configurations are available in this settings tab

Geo Targeting Settings #
Enable geo targeting to display ads to users depending on the location user accessing the website.
In order geo targeting to work, you would also need to Integrate MaxMind license key (Free)
Once you have integrated MaxMind license key, you will be able to manage ads to be displayed according to the location. WPAdCenter > Create New Ad or WPAdCenter > Manage Ads > Edit ad.
You can target the ad by either countries or cities.
You also add an include/exclude condition. If you select ‘Include’, then the ad will be shown in the selected countries/cities only. On the other hand, if you select ‘exclude’, the ad will be shown everywhere except for the selected countries/cities

To display the ad depending on countries, you can select multiple countries from the dropdown.

To display the ad depending on cities, add one city name per line in the given text box.

Ad Block Detection Settings #
- Enable Ad Block Detection – Enables / Disables AdBlock Detector, if enabled and the ads get blocked in the frontend, a popup overlay will be shown to user with specified message.
- Ad Block Detector Message – Enter Ad Blocker message to be shown

Ad blocker detected ads getting blocked on the frontend
Ad Visibility Settings #
- Hide ads for following roles: Selected roles won’t be able to see any ad created under WPAdCenter in the front end but would be able to configure them as per user liking in the backend