You can test different ad placements, to find out which placement gives maximum clicks and revenue for an individual ad or an ad group.
Note that In order to create new A/B test Content, Ads must be enabled.
Navigate to WordPress Admin dashboard > WPAdCenter > Settings.
Go to the Placements tab and enable Content Ads. Now you will find a new tab A/B Tests after refreshing the page.
To create a new A/B Test you need to create at least 2 placements as we are going to compare these two or more placements.

After clicking on the “Create new test” button, you will see the below options:
- Name the test – Name for the test
- Duration of the test (in days) – Number of days for which the test will be live
- Select placements: 2 or more placements need to be tested in the A/B Testing
You can create or delete multiple tests as you want. Click on the save changes button below to save all the tests created and deleted.
Note that you need to select at least 2 placements to be able to create an A/B test and its report.
You can find the clicks and views for your placement under test by navigating to Report > A/B Test Results.
From Choose test drop-down select the test you want to see results for.
After selection of the test, you will get the detailed statistics for the placements under that particular test and a graph showing the analysis for the statistics too.
The A/B Test Report table contains daily records of generated views, clicks, and CTR till the date test is live.

A Complete chart of a detailed report will be displayed at the bottom of the page.