This page explains about how to add products to your auctions and the various tabs to add product information and tweak other auction settings. You can customize the page as per your business needs.
Adding auction product is similar to adding product with WooCommerce plugin. You need to just provide extra parameters required for setting up auction.
Go to Products > Add New. Select product type as ‘Simple Auction’ from the dropdown.
After providing details for product click on publish button. You can provide product information in following tabs.
Auction Settings Tab #

Auction Settings tab consists of the following options:
- Product Type – (Dropdown) select from simple auction, penny auction or reverse auction.
- Virtual – (Checkbox) Check if product is virtual.
- Downloadable – (Checkbox) Check if product is Downloadable. If product is downloadable provide the file to download and other download options in general tab.
- Item Condition – New / Used
- Start Price – It is the price with which auction starts. When the bid is being placed for the first time, bid amount will be equal or more than start price.
- Bid Increment – It denotes at what rate bid price should increase. For ex. If current bid is 34 and bid increment is 2, then the next bid will be minimum 36. If Bid Increment is not provided default value will be used from range. Default value range can be updated from WooCommerce > Settings > Auctions > Bid Increment.
- Date From – Select date and time from which auction will start.
- Date To – Select date and time upto which auction will continue.
- Reserve Price – This is the minimum price which should be met during auction to purchase the product. If this price is not met before ending auction no winner be declared.
- Buy It Now Price – User can directly buy the product with this price, when the auction is running. ‘Buy It Now Price’ should be equal or more than ‘Reserve Price’. If bidding price crosses the ‘Buy It Now Price’ users will not see ‘Buy It Now Price’ and will not be able to purchase product at ‘Buy It Now Price’.
Auction History Tab #

Auction History tab shows data of Users, Bids & Time of bids for selected auction product after bidding has started.
Auction Relist Settings tab #

Auction Relist Settings tab consists of the following options:
- Extend or Relist Auction? – (select) The three options available for selection are : none/extend/relist. If selected auction will be extended/relisted if depending on the following conditions selected.
- Extend/Relist If Fail? – (checkbox) Extend/Relist if auction fails (No winner is declared).
- Extend/Relist If Not Paid? – (checkbox) Extend/Relist if not paid. If auction winner does not make purchase of product then the auction will be extended/relisted.
- Extend/Relist Always? – (checkbox) Extend/Relist auction under all circumstances. Overrides all other conditions.
- Wait Time Before Extend/Relist – Wait time (in minutes) before the auction is extended/relisted.
- Extend/Relist Duration – Auction is extended/relisted for the specified time (in minutes)
On website frontend the product will look like this. You can also see the auction history on website frontend and admin too.