This page lists different type of widgets and watchlist available in this plugin.
Woo Auction provides following widgets which you can use according to your activated theme. Preferred places for placing widgets are sidebar and footer.
- Recent Auctions Display a list of your most recent auctions on your site.
- Random Auctions Display a list of random auctions on your site.
- Coming Soon Auctions Display a list of your future auctions on your site.
- Ending Soon Auctions Display a list of your ending soon auctions on your site.
- Featured Auctions Display a list of featured auctions on your site.
- Recently Viewed Auctions Display a list of recently viewed auctions.
- My Auctions Display a list of auctions user participate.
- Watchlist Display a list of auctions user added to watchlist.
How to add widgets to your site #

- 1.Go to Wordpress Admin.
- 2.Select Appearance -> Widgets.
- 3.Select the Woo Auction widget and add it to desired site area like sidebar or footer.
Watchlist #
Watchlist is a widget where users can keep track of auctions they want. Users can add auction to their watchlist. Users can see watchlist with watchlist widget.
Adding a product to watchlist #
Go to the any auction product page and click on “Add to watchlist”.

User can remove product from watchlist by clicking on Remove form watchlist link from product page in same way as product was added to watchlist.
Note: Once auction is ended, that product will be removed from watchlist.
Adding Widget for WordPress 5.8 and above #
As WordPress removed support for widgets and introduced Block-based widgets, please follow the below steps to add them.
- Head over to WordPress Dashboard>Appearance>Widgets
- Click on the add widget button and search for Auction Software
- You can then select any widget like Random Auctions or Ending Soon Auctions etc.
- Then enter title, number of auctions, hide time left as per your preferences
- And Click on Update