After setting up the starting page, you can start adding questions to the survey.
There are multiple types of questions you can add:
- 1.Single Choice Questions
- 2.Multiple Choice Questions
- 3.Long Text Answer
- 4.Short Text Answer
- 5.Image Options
Setting Single Choice/Multi choice questions
- Drag Single Choice/Multi choice type question and drop them in the “Content Elements” area, a pop-up will open.
- Add question title and question description.
- You can also add the answer options here.
- You can also decide to make this question mandatory
- Hit the “Save” button at the bottom.

Users will be able to select only one answer option for a Single Choice Question and select multiple answer options for Multiple Choice Questions.
Long text answer/Short text answer questions allow you to collect answers from users in text format.
Setting Long text answer/Short text answer questions:
- Drag Long text answer/Short text answer question and drop them in the “Content Elements” area, a pop-up will open.
- Add the question title and question description.
- You can also decide to make this question mandatory
- Hit the “Save” button at the bottom.

Image Options question types let you add images to answer options
Setting Image Options question types:
- Drag Image Options question and drop them in the “Content Elements” area, a pop-up will open.
- Add the question title and question description.
- For answer options add images you want your users to select
- You can also decide to make this question mandatory
- Hit the “Save” button at the bottom.

Additionally if you want to simply place a block of text in your survey you can do it using the “Text” box. Here you only have to add the title and the description.
Few things to remember while adding any questions:
- Adding a title is mandatory
- You can mark any question as required
- You’ll have to add atleast 2 answer options to save it.
You can add as many questions as you want. Once you have added and save all the questions, you can see them all in the “Content Elements”. You can drag and change their sequence.