Woo Auction related questions can help you understand the plugin better. This is the general frequently asked questions page. Read More
Woo Auction plugin is installed but not able to activate it. #
Free WooCommerce plugin should be installed & activated before activating Woo Auction plugin.
How to receive plugin updates from WPEka? #
Once you have purchased Woo Auction Software plugin from wpeka website, you will see Master API Key and product ID of your purchase. You will need those API key and product ID to use PRO plugin.
Go to My Account -> API Keys section to get your Master API key and Product Id.

Woo Auction Software requires free WooCommerce plugin installed and activated from wordpress.org
Once Woo Auction Software plugin is activated please navigate to Settings > Woo Auction Software Activation and provide API Key & Product ID and click on save changes. After that you will see your API key status is activated and you can use the Woo Auction Software plugin

Guest user is not able to place a bid. #
To place a bid on any auction product user needs to register with the website. This feature is added so guest users won’t be able to move bidding in upward direction as guest users can walk away even after winning the auction.
How to update user bids manually? #
Now website administrator can update bids for users manually via Users menu.
In order to update ‘Available bids’ for users, go to WordPress Dashboard > Users > All Users > Select Edit User > Auction Management.
Update the Available bids for user by clicking the ‘Update User’ button.

User is not able to place higher bid on simple auction product. #
In simple auction product user is not allowed to outbid himself. In such scenario simply there is no need to place a higher bid. If other user places another bid then first user will be able to bid again.
In case of penny auction product there is no such restriction & user can outbid himself.
Buy Now button is invisible for auction product. #
Buy Now button will be visible till buy now price is not reached in bidding. If bidding price reaches to buy now price ‘Buy Now’ button will not be visible.
Bid Increment price is not set but still being displayed in the frontend. #
When ‘Bid Increment’ price is not set for any auction product, default value will be used. Default value ranges can be updated from WooCommerce > Settings > Auctions tab.
Why user can not register with the error message “You must be logged in”, when clicked on Login button? #
When the user clicks on the Login button in the error message, he is redirected to the Login/Register page. Please make sure that the WooCommerce registration forms are enabled on the account login page. For this, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts and check Enable customer registration on the “My account” page.

Is it compatible with Escrow Payments? #
Yes. To know more about setting up escrow payments click here.