Advertisers are the users whose pays you to place their ads on your website.
You can see available advertisers by navigating to WordPress Dashboard > WPAdCenter > Advertisers.

To manually add a new advertiser go to WordPress Dashboard > Users > Add New.

Here provide all required user details as in for WordPress user and select Role as Advertiser for the new user. Click on Add New User button to save the advertiser details.
Please note that unregistered advertisers are automatically created when they sign up for ads using ad registration form.
Frontend Ad Order Form #

Users can show their ads by filling front end ad form, you can display front end ad form using
- Short code – [wpadcenter_ad_form]
- Gutenberg Block
- Elementor Widget
Frontend Ad form contains following fields
- Email – if there is no advertiser registered to this email, user will be created and their advertiser role credentials would be sent to this email (Required field)
- Ad Size – User could be able to select the ad size through this dropdown box (Required Field)
- Ad Name – Name of the user to be entered
- Ad URL – URL To which ad will be directed to after clicked (Required Field)
- Ad Image – image of the ad (Required Field)
- Ad Preview – a preview of an ad based on ad size will be displayed so that the users would be able to know which size would look good with the image for the ad
- Ad Start Date – Start Date of the Ad
- Packages – Radio buttons to select one package out of all packages for this ad
Once the user has created the order new users will get the email regarding credentials for Advertiser Role
And once the order is completed their ad will be shown in the manage ads page as such.

Please note that front end form only works when WooCommerce is installed and activated, also make sure “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition” is checked in WooCommerce → Settings → Product → General → Add to cart behavior so that users will be redirected to cart page when they fill up the form.