Navigate to WordPress Admin dashboard > WPAdCenter > Settings.
Here you can update General & Global script settings.
General #

- Roles to exclude from tracking – (dropdown) This feature will disable selected roles from tracking statistics data (Views, Clicks, CTR).
- Trim stats older than (in months) – (number) Automatically cleans the statistics database records older than provided set point. If set to 0 will disable this setting.
- ads.txt – ads.txt file is useful to verify your identity with third-party ad advertisers. With WPAdCenter you can easily create, update the ads.txt file.
- ads.txt (Enable / Disable) – Enable or disable the ads.txt feature from WPAdCenter Plugin.
- Content – Input the records for the ads.txt. Provide one record per one line.
- Open link in a new tab – If enabled, link opens in a new tab on click.
- Nofollow on link – If enabled, it signals that the page linking out is claiming no endorsement of the page it links to.
- Additional rel tags – Adds rel tags to the link.
- Additional CSS classes – Adds classes to the link.
- Cloaked link prefix – The prefix that comes before slug of your cloaked link, eg.<ad_id>.
- Privacy Options – These settings helps you to hide ads from the users until consent is given if provided the appropriate consent method to know more about these settings please visit here.
- Click Fraud Protection – If you want to protect your ads from click bombing you should enable this option. You can set the click limit and time limit. If a user crosses any of these limits all ads are hidden from them for a period specified by you.