Migrating to Version 2.0.0. How to receive plugin updates from WPEka? How to disable plugin API Key to use on another website?
Migrating to Version 2.0.0 #
Recent plugin updates have removed the functionality for ad zones, and campaigns.
In order to migrate to version 2.0.0, from the previous WordPress.org WPAdCenter version, you would need to re-create ads with our new menu. (WPAdCenter > Create Ad)
Now you would be able to group ads into ad groups (Ad zones in previous version). (WPAdCenter > Manage Ad Groups)
How to receive plugin updates from WPEka? #

Once you have purchased WPAdCenter Pro plugin from wpeka website, you will see Master API Key and product ID of your purchase. You will need those API key and product ID to use PRO plugin.

To activate the WPAdCenter Pro plugin please navigate to Settings > WPAdcenter Pro Activation and provide API Key & Product ID and click on save changes. After that you will see your API key status is activated and you can use the WPAdCenter Pro plugin.
How to disable plugin API Key to use on another website? #
You may want to disable plugin API key to use the plugin on another domain. You can disable the API key from WordPress Dashboard or from the WPEka Club.
Disable from WordPress Dashboard #
To deactivate the WPAdCenter Pro plugin please navigate to Settings > WPAdcenter Pro Activation and click on the API Key Deactivation tab. Deactivate API Key & save the changes.

Disable from WPEka Club #
Navigate to WPEka Club API Keys page. Locate the domain name under plugin for which you want to disable the API Key. Click on the delete button, this will deactivate the particular plugin API Key for that domain.

When I attempt to view my created ad I get a 404 page. Where am I going wrong? #
After you create and publish an ad, you need to insert the ad to a page using shortcodes/Elementor Widgets/Gutenberg Blocks, for the ad to start working. Unless you do this, the created ad will not be visible and you will get a 404 page.
Refer this link to know more about ad placements – https://docs.wpeka.com/wp-adcenter/placing-ads/