For improved user experience, we have added consolidated single Ad blocks in Gutenberg (WPAdCenter Ad block), and Elementor (WPAdCenter Ad Widget). Kindly replace your existing ad blocks/widgets with
The below steps elaborate on how to switch from the old blocks/widgets to the New Consolidated one. Also, the users are requested to use ONLY the consolidated blocks (Gutenberg – WPAdCenter Ad block, and Elementor- WPAdCenter Ad Widget) going forward for creating new ads.
How to replace WPAdcenter Elementor Ad Widgets with consolidated WPAdcenter Ad Widget? #
- Open the page/post containing Elementor Widget(s) to display your ads in the ‘Edit with Elementor’ mode.

- Select your WPAdcenter Elementor Ad Widget and note the Widget Type (Single Ad, Random Ad, Adgroup Ads, Ordered Ads, Rotating Ad, Animated Ads) and other settings like Select Ad, Alignment, Enable Max Width, Max width, etc.

- Click on the ‘+’ to add a widget above the selected one.

- Select and drag the ‘Ad Widget’ by WPAdcenter.

- Select the appropriate Ad Type ( If you’re replacing the widget for ‘WPAdcenter Single Ad’ then, select the ‘Single Ad’ ad type).
- Choose the settings that you’ve noted in Step 2 (If you’re replacing the widget for ‘WPAdcenter Single Ad’, then select the same Ad, and set the same Alignment, Max width, etc you’ve set for the widget you’re replacing).

- Remove the old widget by clicking on the ‘x’.

- Update the Changes and repeat the same procedure for all the Elementor Widgets.

How to replace WPAdcenter Gutenberg Ad Blocks with consolidated WPAdcenter Ad Block? #
- Open the page/post containing Gutenberg blocks to display your ads in the Editor.

- Click on the Ad preview which you see on the editor.

- Note the Gutenberg block Type (Single Ad, Random Ad, Adgroup Ads, Ordered Ads, Rotating Ad, Animated Ads) and other settings like Select Ad, Alignment, Enable Max Width, Max width, etc.

- Click on the ‘+’ to add a new Gutenberg block and Select the ‘WPAdcenter Ad Block’.

- Select the appropriate Ad Type ( If you’re replacing the block for ‘WPAdcenter Single Ad’ then, select the ‘Single Ad’ ad type).
- Choose the settings that you’ve noted in Step 2 (If you’re replacing the block for ‘WPAdcenter Single Ad’, then select the same Ad, and set the same Alignment, Max width, etc you’ve set for the block you’re replacing).

- Remove the old block by clicking on the ‘three dots’ available on the top left corner of the block named ‘options’. Then click on ‘Remove block_name’

- Update the Changes and repeat the same procedure for all the Gutenberg Blocks