The rotating ad group gives you the ability to have on-time rotations of the ads for your ad groups in WPAdCenter.
Displaying Rotating Ads #
Display Rotating Ads using Gutenberg Block #
Please note that the Gutenberg Block for displaying Rotating Ads will be deprecated soon. Refer to replace the Rotating Ads Gutenberg block with the Consolidated Ad Gutenberg Block.
- Select WPAdcenter Rotating Ads block in the editor as shown in the image below.

- Select an Ad group from which the rotating ads will be fetched.
- Specify the time span between each rotation.
- Specify alignment for the ad.
- To provide maximum width for an ad, enable the Max Width option and provide a maximum width value.
- Enable Order Randomly option to fetch ads in random order, by default the ads will be fetched as per the published date.
- To display ads on specific devices, select the corresponding checkboxes. The changes will take effect on the preview page or live page and not while editing.
- Click on Publish/Update button.
Displaying Rotating Ads using Shortcode #
- Shortcode for reference: [wpadcenter_rotating_adgroup adgroup_id=2 time=2 align=’center’ random_order=’on’ max_width=’on’ max_width_value=300 devices=mobile,tablet,desktop]

- Specify the ad group ID from which rotating ads will be fetched.
- Specify the time span between each rotation using the time attribute.
- Alignment can be specified as “left”, “right” and “center”.
- Set random order as on, if the ads should be fetched in random order. If not specified or set to off, ads will be ordered as per the published date.
- Max width can be set to “on” or “off”.
- Max Width Value is the value in pixels.
- To display ads on specific devices, specify the names of devices. If the ‘devices’ attribute is not provided the ad will be shown on all devices.
- Click on Publish/Update button to save the shortcode.
Displaying Rotating Ads using Elementor #
Please note that the Elementor Widget for displaying Rotating Ads will be deprecated soon. Refer to replace the Rotating Ads Elementor widget with the Consolidated Ad Elementor widget.
- Select WPAdcenter Rotating Ads widget which is present under General category.

- Select the ad group from which rotating ads will be fetched.
- Specify alignment for the ad.
- Specify the time span between each rotation.
- To provide maximum width for an ad, enable the Max Width option and provide a maximum width value.
- Enable Order Randomly option to fetch ads in random order, by default the ads will be fetched as per the published date.
- To display ads on specific devices, select the corresponding checkboxes. The changes will take effect on the preview page or live page and not while editing.
- Click on Publish/Update button.
Displaying Rotating Ads using Widget #
- Select WPAdcenter Pro Rotating Ad widget as shown in the image below.

- Provide a title for the widget.
- Select an ad group from which the rotating ads will be fetched.
- Specify the time span between each rotation.
- Specify alignment for the ad.
- To provide maximum width for an ad, enable the Max Width option and provide a maximum width value.
- Enable Order Randomly option to fetch ads in random order, by default the ads will be fetched as per the published date.
- To display ads on specific devices, select the corresponding checkboxes.
- Click on the Save button.