To generate 3rd Party cookie table
Policy Data shows the third party companies, their purpose, and applicable privacy policy or cookie policy link in the form of a table
If you are starting with a new website, we recommend WP Legal Pages – GDPR Cookie Policy Generator Plugin
WP Legal Pages automatically generates the 3rd Party Cookie Table.
Shortcode #
If you have an existing Cookie Privacy Policy page:
To embed a third-party cookie details table: Use the shortcode [wpl_cookie_details] to display cookie policy data on the pages and/or posts.
Open the Cookie Policy Page on the WordPress editor and paste the shortcode under the 3rd Party Cookies.

Instead of shortcode, you can also use Gutenberg Block named as ‘GDPR Cookie Details‘

Please note that [wpl_cookie_details] does not display the scanned cookie details, instead it displays the Cookie Policy Data in your Legal Pages or any other pages where the shortcode is added.